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ClearSlide delivers enablement insights for OpenX, helps increase sales activity by 200%

Maximizing ad revenue for digital media companies on any connected screen

OpenX is a global leader in digital advertising technology. OpenX provides a fully integrated technology platform for publishers that include one of the first and largest programmatic ad exchanges, a next generation supply side platform and fully featured ad serving.

Gap in feedback loop between marketing and sales

In most companies, fluid communication between sales and marketing teams can be tricky. Marketing is often responsible for creating effective sales material leveraged by the sales teams to pitch the company’s products and services. However, once it reaches the salesperson, marketing does not get the necessary feedback on the usage and usefulness of the materials.

Prior to the adoption of ClearSlide, OpenX was experiencing similar challenges. Marketing received limited insight from the sales team regarding the applicability and quality of content they had created. “The sales enablement we developed would sometimes enter a black hole. We were receiving nominal feedback and weren't even sure if they were using our materials, or sharing them with clients,” explained Locke Truong, Director of Product Marketing for OpenX.

ClearSlide: delivering valuable analytics for marketing. ClearSlide proved to be the solution OpenX needed to bridge the gap between marketing and sales, and open the channels of communication.

Locke and his marketing team now also have a central repository into which they can deposit all of the content they create for their sales team, making the process from collateral creation to presentation seamless.

More insights, better enablement and increased sales activity

ClearSlide makes the selling process much more transparent, for both sales people and other groups like marketing.

“ Before ClearSlide we would create and share content with sales and never hear anything back about its practicality. Now we know what works, and we have statistical data on what is being used.”
-Locke Truong, Director of Product Marketing

Both teams can better communicate. “We have more thoughtful conversations with sales and are able to drill down on specifics about content where it would have been a blank question before.”

Locke and his team are now able to increase the production of their sales materials due to increased insight into the needs of the sales team and the sales team's newfound ability to version decks for themselves. ClearSlide also enables sales to tailor decks according to their own needs.

“Before ClearSlide we created a modular deck for everyone. Sales teams now have increased variations of those decks because they are starting to understand which slides are working for them.”

ClearSlide has had a profound impact on OpenX's selling productivity. After just three months, the number of OpenX's pitches has increased by 200% thanks in part to ClearSlide. OpenX's story is proof positive that ClearSlide is an asset to not just sales teams, but to the successful operation of the entire organization.

Marketing did not receive insight from sales team regarding quality or applicability of content
Marketing was not sure if sales people were even using their created content
ClearSlide opened communication between Marketing & Sales Teams
ClearSlide gave visibility into what collateral was being used
Central repository improved process from creation to presention of content
Increased production of sales materials
Sales team empowered to version decks
OpenX's pitches increased 200% in just three months
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